Genetic Toxicology
C.RIS Pharma performs various in vitro assays to test the genetic toxicology of new active ingredients.
Through Bacterial Mutation Assay (Ames test, OECD 471), we can determine the mutagenic potential of the test substance by the standard or screening methods.
To study the genotoxicity of a new ingredient in mammalian cells, C.RIS Pharma performs the Micronucleus Test (OECD 473 and 474) designed to identify aneugenic and clastogenic substances. This test is carried out in vitrow/em> by using Chinese Hamster (CHO) cells and human lymphocytes and in vivo.

General Toxicology
C.RIS Pharma delivers general toxicology studies following GLP regulations to evaluate the safety of new products in the food industry and especially Novel Food. Our experts design tailored toxicology studies to match your specific needs regarding your product.
Our general toxicology studies range from acute to chronic toxicity assessment.
Acute and subacute toxicity studies are conducted to evaluate the potential adverse effects of a new compound following a short treatment period. Taking this a stage further to provide conclusions on the long-term effects of a test substance, we also run sub-chronic and chronic toxicity studies up to 1 year.
For aliments, it is also important to test the potential allergic effects. These studies are conducted in mice and markers of the allergic response (IgE, histamin, IL-1, C3 and PAF) are followed.