of new active molecules against human diseases, but also in Agrofood and Cosmetic area.

For pharmaceutical industry
Our scientific and regulatory expertise in the domain of health and safety enables us to offer support for the development of your active principles (small molecules, peptides, DNA, vaccines, gene therapies, cell therapies, medical devices,…) and ensure their efficiency as well as their safety.

Efficacy models
Oncology (xenograft, orthotopic, syngenic, antiangiogenic, specific models)
Metabolic diseases (hepatic, pancreatic, obesity)
Inflammatory pathologies
Infectious diseases (pneumonia, impetigo, sepsis,…)
Cardio-vascular diseases
Renal diseases (PKD, ischemia,…)
Surgical models (bone defection or deletion, joint defection, spine fusion, skin injuries,…)
Neurodegenerative models (Alzheimer, Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis,…)
Customized models
Toxicology studies
In vitro toxicology studies
Bacterial mutation assay (Ames test)
Micronucleus test (in vitro and in vivo)
Comet assay
Cellular toxicity in cultured and primary cells
Skin corrosion and irritation (on human skin biopsy)
In vitro eye corrosion and irritation (HET-CAM)
Skin absorption
Soft Agar Colony Formation Assay (SACF)
In vivo toxicology studies
Acute and subacute toxicity, MTD, DRF
Subchronic and chronic toxicity
Local tolerance
Reprotoxicity, Neonatal and Juvenile toxicity
Immunotoxicity and immunogenicity evaluation
Adventitious agent assay
Pharmacology studies and Safety Pharmacology
Pharmacology studies (ADME)
Pharmacokinetic and Toxicokinetic studies
Biodistribution and Bioavailability analyses
Immune response characterization
Histopathology and Immunohisto-chemistry
Drug metabolism analysis
Development of Bioanalytical methods
Safety Pharmacology
Cardio-Vascular system
Respiratory functions
Central Nervous System (CNS)

For Agro-food industry
C.RIS Pharma works with the food industry in the development of new products by providing both scientific and regulatory expertise. We provide you with a range of services, such as testing the effectiveness of your food supplement and the safety of your novel food.

Efficacy models
Anti-hypertensive effect
Regulation of bone density (in vitro and in vivo)
Regulation of lipidic metabolism (in vitro and in vivo)
Antioxidative effect
Anti-stress power
Anti-inflammatory effect
Customized models
Genetic Toxicology
Genetic Toxicology
Bacterial mutation assay (Ames test)
Genotoxicity studies (Micronucleus test in vitro and in vivo)
Comet assay
General Toxicology
Acute and subacute toxicity, DRF, MTD
Subchronic and chronic toxicity
Allergy studies

For Cosmetic industry
Our CRO is also available to contribute its services and expertise to support the development of new products in the cosmetics industry. Using our extensive range of efficacy models, we can test the effectiveness of new cosmetics for various properties and also develop safety programs.
Efficacy models
Antiacneic properties
Antiaging power (Cell proliferation, Collagen and Elastin secretion, Antioxydative)
Clear-up / Self-tanning effect
Slimming effect
Healing and Soothing properties
Customized models
Toxicology studies
Genetic Toxicology
Bacterial mutation assay (Ames test)
Genotoxicity studies (in vitro micronucleus)
General Toxicology (in vitro assays)
Cellular toxicity on primary culture or cell line
Skin corrosion and irritation (on human skin biopsy)
In vitro eye corrosion and irritation (HET-CAM)
Skin absorption